Ford SYNC with Emergency Assistance | Ford IE
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Ford SYNC with Emergency Assistance

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Ford SYNC with Emergency Assistance

An important and potentially life-saving part of Ford SYNC is Emergency Assistance. In the unlikely event of an accident, where the airbag is deployed or the fuel-pump deactivated, the technology can use a Bluetooth®-paired and connected mobile phone to automatically make a direct call to the Emergency Services for you. You can choose to stop the call, or talk to those services if you need to. Crucially, the system will supply vital information, such as your GPS coordinates, even if you are unconscious. 


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    Ford Emergency Assistance operates in over 30 European countries. This feature works when paired with a compatible connected mobile phone that is with you when an airbag is deployed (excludes knee airbags) or a sensor that registers a crash deactivates the fuel pump. Text function and Emergency Assist not supported by all European languages. See your local Ford website for latest information.