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Answering your questions about Ford Lease

By Telephone

Ford Lease Customer Service

(01) 484 5112

Email Us

Please send any queries to the Ford Lease Customer Service team using the e-mail address fordsupport@fordlease.ie and one of the team will respond to you.

By Post

Ford Lease
15/16 Holly Avenue
Stillorgan Industrial Park
Co Dublin A94 XA72


The answers to our most frequently asked questions.


Need to make a complaint?

We aim to provide our customers with high service standards. However, we understand that there may be occasions when you feel that you have cause for complaint. In such instances, we want to put things right first time and with the aid of your comments can improve our services still further.

How to Contact us about your complaint

You can contact us with details of your complaint by letter, e-mail, or telephone. If you write to us, please address your complaint to the Complaints Team, Ford Lease, 15/16 Holly Avenue, Stillorgan Industrial Park ,Stillorgan ,Co Dublin A94 XA72, or contact us on (01) 484 5112 to register your complaint verbally. Alternatively, if you wish to contact us by e-mail, please title your e-mail "Quality Department" and send to fordsupport@fordlease.ie.

  • (**) The Ford Lease provider is Drivlia Lease Ireland Limited trading as Ford Lease, 15/16 Holly Avenue, Stillorgan Industrial Park, County Dublin A94 XA72. Ford Lease is a contract hire and fleet management product. Drivlia Lease Ireland Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Drivlia Lease Ireland Limited also trading as Drivalia is registered in Ireland No. 317799.

    Ford Lease is a Registered Trademark of Ford Motor Company and used under license by Drivalia in relation to this product.

    Lending Criteria and terms and conditions apply. Warning: You may have to pay charges if you pay off a consumer-hire agreement early.

    Warning: If you do not meet the repayments on your consumer-hire agreement your account will go into arrears. This may affect your credit rating, which may limit your ability to access credit, a hire-purchase agreement, a consumer-hire agreement or a Buy Now Pay Later agreement in the future. The information is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute an offer.

    The availability of tax and VAT benefits may vary subject to the facts and circumstances of individual cases and tax law is subject to change over time. Customers are therefore advised to seek professional advice with regard to taxation.
