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Share The Road: Making our roads safer for everyone

Roads are for sharing

Our roads are changing. And so is how we use them. Whether driving or cycling, walking or scootering, it’s important that we all maintain a spirit of respect and understanding to help keep ourselves and others safe. That’s where Ford’s ‘Share The Road’ campaign comes in, to foster greater harmony between all of us who use the road – however we choose to travel.

Share the road
Steven Armstrong on bike
cyclist waving at car

Stay the distance. Keep yourself out of harm's way

Sharing the road starts by providing yourself and others with a safe space. Whether you’re on your bike, on your feet or in your car, if you can reach out and touch what you’re passing then back off - you’re way too close. And remember, social distancing applies on both the road and the pavement so be sure to follow local guidance.

Hear The Road, Share The Road

New research by Ford seeks to understand the role that our hearing plays in perceiving hazards while on the road – and whether listening to music through headphones might be putting other commuters at risk.

Try Ford’s immersive 8D sound experience on your smartphone to find out how your sense of hearing helps you to share the road more safely.

share the road logo
Ford team wearing masks on scooters

The Share the Road Guide to Cleaning Your Ride

The coronavirus crisis has impacted on people’s lives in countless ways. For many, it has changed how and where we work, and heightened our awareness of cleanliness and hygiene. We are spending more time considering how we can get around safely without putting ourselves and others at risk.

Back to work on your bike? Socially distanced on your scooter? Renting a car for the weekend? However you choose to travel, here is our guide to ridding your ride from germs.

Ford Emoji Jacket helps people to ‘Share The Road’

It has never been easier to get on your bike – with millions of people across Europe choosing to ride into work or cycle for sport and pleasure. But communication between drivers and cyclists can be difficult with riders having to remove their hands from the handlebars to indicate changes in direction or to express thanks. Now – as part of our ‘Share The Road’ campaign – Ford has commissioned a prototype Emoji Jacket. This one-of-a-kind creation, which is not available to buy, is designed to show how tensions could be eased by enabling riders to more easily and more clearly show drivers what their intentions are – and how they are feeling.

cyclist wearing Ford emoji jacket

Exit Warning technology that helps stop drivers ‘dooring’ cyclists

Every year thousands of accidents are caused by drivers or passengers opening a door into the path of a cyclist. “Car dooring” results in 60 cyclists being seriously injured or killed each year in the U.K. alone, while in Germany it was the cause of around 3,500 accidents during 2018. We have now developed a technology that could one day make it easier to avoid dooring accidents with vulnerable road-users that also include motorcyclists. Exit Warning provides visual and audible alerts to road users and vehicle occupants when it detects that opening the door of a parked car might cause a collision; it could also prevent a vehicle door from opening into someone’s path.

Technology that shows you a different view

WheelSwap is an innovative virtual reality experience – one that enables users to see the world from either a cyclist’s or a driver’s point of view. The aim of WheelSwap is simple: to encourage people to make a few small changes to the way they drive or cycle so that everyone is a bit safer on the road.

man using WheelSwap VR experience
Ford support car driving beside cyclists

Handy hints, useful tips

We’ve asked road safety experts to put together a list of helpful tips and hints that can help make everyone a more considerate road user. So, whether you’re a cyclist or a van driver, there’s sure to be something you can change for the better. And that will make getting from A to B easier, more enjoyable and safer for everyone.
